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Christy Hutto

Christy Hutto

Hello, my name is Christy Hutto. I was born and raised in the Lawrence/Morgan County
areas. I have worked the last 22 years at a well-known, very successful company. There I learned how important it was to lead by example and to work hard for your customer. To always work as a team and help your people to reach their potential and realize their career dreams. And in doing that, I found mine! There is nothing better than seeing someone find that special home that becomes their happy place. Or seeing someone invest in that empty commercial building, and watch them bring it to life. I believe everyone deserves that, and I know that I will always work hard to try to make it happen for my client. I am proud to be known as one who is honest, hardworking, and caring. And that is exactly how I do business.

I also currently reside in Trinity, Alabama and I am married and a mother of two. My daughter and son are my heart and soul. If I am not out and about, I can be found hanging out with friends and family, or working in my house or yard.

I am happy to be with the Lands of Cotton team. They do good business, and I know that our teamwork will lead our clients to their dreams.